Will Your Sport Survive the Pandemic?


When I have asked this question of others, the typical response that I receive is always a resounding yes with little thought to a bigger picture. Their passion for the sport drives their response. They would never look at anything else to feed their need to train and compete

Many sports rely on the main events to fuel the continuation of other activities. So, what will they do now? The costs associated with hosting a race is expensive despite the opinions of those paying the high race fees. Logistically canceling a race still costs money. Some venues, city fees, and local businesses involved require money down and contracts signed.

Sports Are Big Business

They also have a business to run and bills to pay and will need to collect. Contractually, some host cities may not offer another year, so there is the race relocation to consider. Are the costs associated enough to come from a slush fund or contingency plan without affecting the bottom line?

As a former race director for a non-profit triathlon, we would have been okay for many small costs that were paid upfront, but we wouldn’t have the same expenses as a branded race. Let’s assume that the big races will survive on some level, even if it is not the same as 2019. 

After you have thought about the financial viability and potential issues with venues, ask yourself this question. Can you continue to train for races that aren’t happening? Look inside and assess the matter.

Have you fallen into the quarantine 15 weight gain or haven’t been able to swim at all being landlocked and no pools open? There is a potential here to not race again until 2021. Make sure you let that sink in. Can you continue to train for another year without ever testing your fitness or enjoying swimming?

Do Something Else

If you are still reading, then I’m guessing you might be ready to hear this. Do something else: 

  • Take up a hobby or a new activity to stay active.
  • Now is the chance for a restart.
  • Find the passion again for something fun without the competitive edge.

Imagine purely enjoying something without being constrained to a watch.

  • You said you wanted to do more yoga
  • You wanted to read more. 
  • Try out a new sport that you previously didn’t have time for, like paddleboarding.

Do It, and when you do, something magical will happen.

You will find new joy, give your body a rest from training, and return to your favorite sport with new vigor and enthusiasm. Re-ignite your passion, and then you can say that your sport can survive the pandemic. 

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